
time to “be”

To all my fellow Georgia residents who received the gift of seven or so inches of white powder covered in a few centimeters of ice, which in turn transformed itself into hours upon hours and days upon days of the elusive term we call “time”:
"There is something joyful about storms that interrupt routine.  Snow or freezing rain suddenly releases you from expectations, performance demands, and the tyranny of appointments and schedules.  And unlike illness, it is largely a corporate rather than an individual experience.  One can almost hear a unified sigh rise from the nearby city and surrounding countryside where Nature has intervened to give respite to the weary humans slogging it out within her purview.  All those affected this way are united by a mutual excuse, and the heart is suddenly and unexpectedly a little giddy.  There will be no apologies needed for not showing up to some commitment or the other.  Everyone understands and shares in this singular justification, and the sudden alleviation of the pressure to produce makes the heart merry.” –excerpt from “The Shack” written by William P. Young
If I could have said it better, I would have.
Time to snuggle, time to sleep, time to read, time to hold, time to bake, time create, time to think, time to pray, time to…be.  What a gift!
Although three of our family members were visited by the stomach bug during our days in captivity, I still wouldn’t trade this uninterrupted time with my family for anything in the world.  I was reminded that when it is all said and done, those who live with me in this home are the ones that will be with me and love me until my time on earth is through.  A concept that I have become keenly aware of over the past few months.
I have resolved that in 2011 I will turn around, close my datebook, turn off my Blackberry, resign my volunteer positions and measure each step of my life in this way: “am I stepping away from or am I drawing closer to myself, my family and my God?”.  Life is too short to get caught up in doing.  Although I am a huge proponent of productivity, results and action, I am learning that there is immeasurable value in the ability to just “be”.
Here are a few photos to highlight an absolutely magnificent way to start a new year!


  1. by just cutting out just one (granted, one of my biggest) volunteer positions last year, i feel like i was able to give more to my family. hope you will feel the same blessing of weeding through which things are really deserving of your time.

    p.s. may i make a request for the new blog? recipes, please! they don't have to be yours, but maybe just ones that you've tried recently that worked for your family or how you tweaked it to work for your kids, etc. i made that swiss chicken bake again tonight, which is what made me think of this. it seems you are always trying new recipes...you are so much more adventurous than i!

  2. I loved the shack. One of my favorite books. It is nice to have time to reflect. I don't do that often but thanks for reminding me in those times like last week to savor the moment. God says to "Be Still" so often we are not still.

  3. I agree with Laura! I love your recipes and the new blog. When you help me makeover mine, will you help me add the slideshow? I've found picasa but haven't done much. and I echo this post in my blog last week. It really was time to BE...

  4. I love to read your posts, and the way your heart shines through your words! And I love all the snow pics of the kiddos... cute gloves for the boys! I'm with Laura, I love to read other peoples recipes... mostly because my husband is so picky and I can live vicariously through them! But the swiss chicken bake sounds yummy!

  5. Ummmm I heart this new blog very much!! I don't know how I missed it, but I love it! This makes my blog look like the blog of a preschooler, haha! You belong in the corporate world, they don't know what they're missing out on!I'd agree with Laura on the recipe thing, but unless it's as easy as my chicken tacos you know I probably won't do it... :)


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